Advent & Christmas 2023
Christmas is coming, and we're getting ready! You are welcome at any and all of the upcoming Advent & Christmas worship services! Facebook Live streaming will be available for Sunday morning and Christmas Eve services at .
Sun., Dec. 3--10:00 a.m.--On this first Sunday of Advent, we will prepare the way for Christ's coming by lighting our first Advent candle of HOPE. The service will include Holy Communion.
Sun., Dec. 10--10:00 a.m. Worship will include lighting the 2nd Advent candle of PEACE.
Wed, Dec. 13--7:00 p.m. Our Chancel and Bell Choirs will perform a free Christmas Concert, which will include both sacred and popular musical pieces. An offering will be taken to support our music program. (Please note that this concert will not be livestreamed.)
Sun., Dec. 17--10:00 a.m. Worship will include lighting the 3rd Advent candle of JOY, and the Chancel Choir will present a Christmas cantata.
Sun., Dec. 24--10:00 a.m. During this service, we will light the fourth Advent candle of LOVE,
Sun., Dec. 24, Christmas Eve--7:00 p.m. We will celebrate the birth of our Savior with carols, scripture, and individually-held candles. Music will be provided by organist Karen Miller, the Bell Tones, and the Chancel Choir. Please come! All are welcome!
Sun., Dec. 31--10:00 a.m. During this service, we will continue our Christmas themes and prepare for the New Year!
Christmas is coming, and we're getting ready! You are welcome at any and all of the upcoming Advent & Christmas worship services! Facebook Live streaming will be available for Sunday morning and Christmas Eve services at .
Sun., Dec. 3--10:00 a.m.--On this first Sunday of Advent, we will prepare the way for Christ's coming by lighting our first Advent candle of HOPE. The service will include Holy Communion.
Sun., Dec. 10--10:00 a.m. Worship will include lighting the 2nd Advent candle of PEACE.
Wed, Dec. 13--7:00 p.m. Our Chancel and Bell Choirs will perform a free Christmas Concert, which will include both sacred and popular musical pieces. An offering will be taken to support our music program. (Please note that this concert will not be livestreamed.)
Sun., Dec. 17--10:00 a.m. Worship will include lighting the 3rd Advent candle of JOY, and the Chancel Choir will present a Christmas cantata.
Sun., Dec. 24--10:00 a.m. During this service, we will light the fourth Advent candle of LOVE,
Sun., Dec. 24, Christmas Eve--7:00 p.m. We will celebrate the birth of our Savior with carols, scripture, and individually-held candles. Music will be provided by organist Karen Miller, the Bell Tones, and the Chancel Choir. Please come! All are welcome!
Sun., Dec. 31--10:00 a.m. During this service, we will continue our Christmas themes and prepare for the New Year!
The Chancel Choir and Bell Tones will provide music throughout the season, including a concert on Tues, Dec. 20, at 7:00 p.m.