Rev. Kim James
Pastor Rev. Kim James has been the Pastor of First UMC since July 1, 2013. Prior to coming to Ogden, she was the pastor of Wesley UMC in Pueblo, CO (1999-2013); pastor of the Yuma (CO) UMC (1995-99), associate pastor of First UMC in Greeley, CO (1991-95), and associate pastor at Applewood Valley UMC in Golden, CO (1990-91). She also served as Christian Education Director at Christ Church UM in Denver (1987-90). Kim was ordained "deacon" in 1990 and "elder" in 1992 by the Rocky Mountain Conference UMC. Her degrees are BA in Philosophy and Religion from Northwest Nazarene College (1982), Master in Religious Education from Nazarene Theological Seminary (1984), and Master of Divinity from Iliff School of Theology (1990). Kim grew up in Libby, Montana. Kim's family consists of her husband Steve, adult daughter Angie, adult son Oscar, and cat Angel. What Rev. Kim has enjoyed most about her ministry over the years is the constant variety of activities. As a pastor, she gets to spend time reading, praying, writing, creating worship services, visiting the sick, comforting the grieving, getting acquainted with newcomers, teaching adult classes, cheering on the youth and children's ministries, enjoying fellowship and learning with the women's and men's groups, analyzing numbers with the Finance Committee, identifying fix-it needs with the Trustees, planning meals and celebrations, creating artwork for VBS and advertising, collaborating with other leaders in the community, and more! She hopes you'll want to come and have some fun with her and the First UMC congregation, as they proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ! |