SERMON TITLE: “Awesome God: A Holy Encounter”
SERMON TEXT: Isaiah 6:1-8 PREACHER: Rev. Kim James OCCASION: February 6, 2022, at First UMC INTRODUCTION When I was a senior in high school, a missionary came to speak at my church one evening. I don’t remember what country she came from or what she said. All I remember is that she showed us some slides of the people with whom she did her missionary work. When she finished speaking, our pastor asked the ushers to pass the plates so we could give an offering in support of her ministry. While the music was playing and the people were digging out their wallets, I felt overcome by a power greater than myself. While everyone else was wondering whether to put a five or a ten dollar bill in the plate, I felt myself drawn to the front of the church to pray at the kneeling rail. God was calling me to give more than my money. God was calling me to give my life. You have to understand that that church was much-accustomed to people coming up front to kneel and pray. But usually it was at the urging of the preacher, in the form of an altar call. This time, though, no one had even suggested such a thing. No one, that is, except God. I can’t say that that evening’s experience was the single defining moment of my call to ministry. God spoke to me several times over some years. But that night-the-missionary-spoke was one experience I’ll never forget. I felt it throughout my body. It was an awesome calling. It was a holy encounter. Have you ever had a spiritual experience so profound that it changed your life? Throughout this month of February, I want us to focus our attention on those powerful divine connections. We’ll be talking about biblical characters from long ago and how even we today are moved and touched by our awesome God. Today we begin with Isaiah, chapter six. Let’s see what Isaiah’s experience of an awesome God tells us about a holy encounter. Continue reading
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