SERMON TITLE: “Christian Devotion to Fellowship”
SERMON TEXT: Acts 2:37-47 PREACHER: Rev. Kim James OCCASION: September 25, 2022, at First UMC INTRODUCTION What do you think of when you hear the word fellowship? When I asked my husband that question this week, he said, “Food.” We United Methodists are kind of trained that way, aren’t we? When we think about getting together with other Christians, we think of coffee and snacks after church, or a potluck dinner like we had two weeks ago. Food certainly can be a focal point that draws us together around a shared table, where conversation is more likely to happen. But, of course, fellowship isn’t only about food. One of our members who can no longer drive to church mentioned this week that she misses the “fellowship” of coming to worship and being with us here in the sanctuary. Some of our more energetic members get together every Sunday afternoon or evening for Pickleball games. They value not only the physical exercise but also the time to fellowship with Christian friends. Those of us who participate in Bell Tones and Chancel Choir on Wednesday evenings would attest to the fellowship we enjoy when we gather together for music rehearsals. Likewise, the Adult Sunday School Class and Friday Study offer opportunities for Christian fellowship. The various committees of the church bring people together to make decisions and perform ministry tasks, but they also include time for fellowship. No matter whether the official agenda is about Children’s Sunday school curriculum, the next mission project, or the lawn mowing schedule, those meetings usually include some time for sharing the joys and concerns of our lives. During this month of September, we’ve been focusing our attention on what the earliest Christian believers did after they repented, received forgiveness of their sins, and were baptized. With Acts 2:42 as our key verse, we began with the Christian devotion to breaking bread. Then we talked about the Christian devotion to the apostles’ teaching. Next Sunday we’ll talk about the Christian devotion to prayers. Today, I invite you to think with me about our Christian devotion to fellowship. Continue reading
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